
Jesus Gospel

Friday, August 20, 2010

Be close to Jesus by Spiritual Check UP Daily

Hi Friends,

Please be staying fit and healthy Spiritually. May the LORD shower HIS grace upon each one of us to be healthy spiritually for HIS glory.

1. Have I spoken or thought evil of anyone today?
2. Did I speak any idle words today?
3. Did I indulge in overeating or laziness or any other filthy lust?
4. Did I act in a selfish way towards anyone today?
5. Was I happy or even unconcerned about someone else's failure?
6. Did I seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first today?
7. Did I look for opportunities to witness for Christ and to do good?
8. Did I doubt the love or the power or the sovereignty of God today?
9. Was I proud of any accomplishment?
10. Was I discouraged or depressed over anything?
11. Did I do or say anything, which was not profitable or edifying?
12. Did I do to others as I would want them to do to me?
13. Was I carnally inquisitive or a busybody in anyone's affairs?
14. Did I waste money on anything useless today?
15. Did I tell another what was told to me in confidence?
16. Was I impatient with anyone today?
17. How did I treat servants and those on a lower social scale?
18. Did I speak a word of encouragement or appreciation to anyone?
19. Did I show my love to the members of my family?
20. Did I consider myself as better than anyone else?
21. Did I pass judgment on anyone today - even in my thoughts?
22. Is there anyone I have not forgiven totally, from my heart?
23. Did I believe any evil story, without verifying the information?
24. Were my thoughts morally pure today?
25. Have I prayed for those who hate me and persecute me?
26. Was I jealous of anyone today?
27. Did I value and delight in my fellow-believers?
28. Was I concerned about the spiritual & physical needs of my brethren?
29. Is it possible that I might have hurt someone thoughtlessly?
30. Did I keep my word and my promises?
31. Was I a servant to all whom I came across today?
32. Have I cast my every care and burden on the Lord?
33. Was I concerned about the opinion of any man?
34. Did I waste any time today, or did I use the day profitably?
35. Was I alert to hear what the Lord had to say to me today?
36. Did I try to live simply, avoiding luxury as far as possible?
37. Did I share something of spiritual value with my children today?
38. Did I try to help my wife (husband) in her (his) work today?
39. Did I despise anyone who doesn't have the same light as I have?
40. Is there any thought in my heart that is not good, towards anyone?

Praise The Lord

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